Numerous tenants and landlords remain uninformed about the forfeiture clause and its potential enforcement within a commercial contract.
The forfeiture of a lease pertains to the exercise of a landlord's entitlement to terminate a lease when the tenant has violated their obligations stipulated within that specific lease agreement. Instances warranting lease forfeiture encompass not only rent arrears, a prevalent ground, but also a gamut of lease agreement breaches spanning from unauthorised alterations to neglecting property upkeep. The viability of such actions hinges upon the lease's distinct clauses.
Prior to initiating lease forfeiture, prudent consideration is advised on the part of the landlord, involving the assessment of the following factors:
The prospective advantages to the landlord in reclaiming possession of the property
The feasibility of securing a new tenant expeditiously
The appropriateness of forfeiture given the particular circumstances
The existence of any guarantors or alternative forms of security
Moreover, avenues beyond immediate lease forfeiture are available, including:
Engaging in dialogue with the tenant to facilitate issue resolution
Seeking legal counsel and implementing safeguards like a rental deposit deed
Instituting debt recovery proceedings through the court system
Landlords possess two distinct avenues for the forfeiture of a lease:
Peaceful re-entry
Legal proceedings culminating in a court order
The method of peaceful re-entry stands as the swiftest and most cost-efficient approach to lease forfeiture. Under this mechanism, the landlord is empowered to re-enter the property if a lease clause permits such action following breach. Absent this stipulation, the landlord's entry is prohibited.
If you need assistance, don't hesitate to contact Trent Law at your nearest office branch. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the process and ensure your cause is safely processed.